Pike Place Market 中文名字叫作派克市場,位於西雅圖的市中心,是西雅圖有名的觀光勝地,


還有就是湯姆漢克的「西雅圖夜未眠」也曾在ATHENIAN 這家餐廳取景,

至今餐廳內仍有塊牌子寫著 「TOM HANKS SAT HERE Sleepless in Seattle」,

其實Pike Place Market我已經來了不知幾次了, 但每當有朋友來找我,我還是會帶他們來走走,

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Amazon在2016年的時候宣布將成立Amazon Go的實體無人商店,






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Advanced Strategy Case: Target



    Target Corporation (Target) was founded in the early 20th century. The company which was headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota was called Dayton Dry Goods Company when it created. The company was a department store in the beginning. In the 1960s, the leadership put forward a new idea to be discount store. In order to strengthen the relationship with its customers, the company transformed from a family-owned department store retailer to a mass market retailer. Then the first Target retail store opened in 1962 in Minneapolis (Target, 2018). Next, Target had a series of expansion plans in American market. According to Target (2018), in 1966, Target opened a store in Denver area, which was the first store outside of Minnesota. Then the company opened its first store in the Pacific Northwest in 1988 and in the Southeast in 1989. Not only that, Target opened eleven stores in the Chicago area in one day in 1993. In 2001, Target already had 1,000 stores. The company is the second largest retailer in the United States, second only to Walmart.

    Walmart has always been a competitor since Target’s opening. While Target's positioning is to sell high quality products, Walmart's positioning provides low-priced products. However, when Walmart began to expand overseas markets in the 1990s, Target decided to enter the Canadian market in 2011. In order to expand its global business, Target's leadership decided that entering the Canadian market was the best choice. In 2011, Target purchased 189 Zellers Inc. sites in Canada and planned to renovate two thirds of them as future Target stores (Target, 2018). However, because of the wrong strategy, the plan later failed.


The CEO's Strategic Decision: Entry into Canada Market

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Information technology which brings convenience to people can help people in many ways.  For instance, an enterprise uses technology in its business model or organizational architecture to help its development.  Even though people have become used to the use of technology applications, technology is not omnipotent.  Fonseca (2015) shows when people benefited from technological innovations, they are often negligent that technology might fail.  Information security is an important part of how an enterprise uses information technology in its business.  If an enterprise does not pay attention to its information security management, this can lead to external threats to its information system.  Hackers attacking Target is one case.

Target Corporation (Target) which has 1,793 stores in the U.S. (Target, 2016) is one of the largest retail chains in the U.S.  Target sells articles for daily use, such as clothes, food, household appliances, and furniture. In order to give its customers more services, Target also has online business.  Now, Target has 341,000 employees worldwide (Target, 2016). 




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The Quad是華大學生上課時必經的地方,也是華大櫻花樹聚集之處,


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Because the information age has come, the industry has changed.  The electronics industry has become one of the most important industries in the world.  The use of electronic products is increasingly close.  Since the computer was invented, it has become a part of peoples’ lives.  Now, almost every family has a computer and every business uses a computer or a laptop in the office.  Therefore, the fact that the computer industry is one of the popular industry cannot be too exaggerated.  There are many famous computer manufacturers in the world.  The purpose of this paper is comparing two companies in computer industry.  The two companies I selected for the industry analysis paper are Apple, Inc. (Apple) and Dell, Inc. (Dell), the two biggest computer companies, which are part of the technology and communications industry.

In this paper, the analysis will follow by the six areas:

  • What is each company’s current competitive strategy?
  • What are they doing to improve their current competitive position?
  • What likely moves or strategy shifts will they make?
  • Where is each company most vulnerable?
  • What competitive moves will provoke the greatest and most effective retaliation by each company?
  • Would you recommend the continuation or modification of each company’s current strategy?

Key words: Computer Industry, competitive strategy, vulnerable



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Original essay:

In American society, Introverts are outnumbered about three to one. As a result, they must develop extra coping skills early in life because there will be an inordinate amount of pressure on them to " shape up," to act like the rest of the world. The Introvert is pressured daily almost from the moment of awakening, to respond and conform to the outer world.

Classroom teachers unwittingly pressure introverted students by announcing that "One-third of your grade will be based on classroom participation." From Otto Kroeger and Janet M. Thuesen Type Talk" the 16 Personality Types that Determine How We Live, Love and Work. New York: Dell Publishing, 1989.


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The death penalty is a controversial issue. In some countries, many people think that a murderer have to pay a corresponding price.  The death penalty can bring justice and make the families of the victims feel better.  On the other hand, many countries think the death penalty is not the only way to isolate the criminal, life imprisonment is a better punishment to use instead of the death penalty. 

Criminals are typically executed via the electric chair, gas chamber, firing squad, lethal injection etc.  All the above methods are inhumane.  There is no evidence to point out that execute the death penalty can stop crime.  It is also difficult to judge the death penalty as a deterrent to crime.  In other words, the death penalty can't solve the problem of crime.

The death penalty is not the only way to isolate a criminal.  Life imprisonment can also isolate a criminal.  Although some people think that the death penalty can soothe the feelings of victims’ families, the death penalty cannot bring justice.  Therefore, why do people support the death penalty?  Protecting human rights, following the international trend, offering an opportunity to correct mistakes, and reducing the spending of the government are all important reasons that the death penalty should be abolished.

The first reason that the death penalty should be abolished is the protection of human rights.  Every country around the world has discussed the human rights implications of the death penalty.  People have the basic right to life.  A government should protect its civilians from injury.  However, the death penalty violates the basic human rights in life.  A government should not have the right to decide a person's life.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which is an organization of international human rights law, also mentioned human rights should be brought into international law.  Every life has its value, and the protection of the right to life is an existing fundamental principle around the world.  Everyone, including a government, should respect an individual's life.  If a murderer infringes on another’s right to life, should a government do the same thing to the murderer?  If the death penalty is reasonable and proper behavior, they do more and more people advocate the abolition of the death penalty?


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