Agreement The Euthanasia Should be Legal



Euthanasia is a way of ending a life on purpose to end pain or suffering. The patients Right Council explains that the words “euthanasia” and “assisted suicide” are often used interchangeably. In this report, they argue euthanasia is defined as intentionally, knowingly and directly acting to cause the death another person. For example, a doctor gives a patient a lethal injection. According to the New Health Guide, the Netherlands was the first country to allow euthanasia. It is also legal in some states in the US, including Oregon, Washington, Montana and Vermont. Recently, California became the fifth US state to allow euthanasia. However, while some people agree with euthanasia, some think it is inhumane to end someone’s life. I agree euthanasia should be legal because of the three reasons: ending pain of terminally ill people, reducing spending of hospices and patient's family, and having the right to choose to die.



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前一天晚上,Razan 問我想到哪走走,想了想,Seattle大小景點我差不多都走完了,有的還去了好幾次,


於是看了一下不太中用的Seattle 旅遊書,決定了來去Japanese Gorden!



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June: Barcarolle" compared to "Vocalise"



Romantic music, a genre of classical music, is a genre music which was also a period of classical music. The period of music paid more attention to the feelings and psyche of the performance than the classical period. According to IPL, as a starting point, composers began focusing more on new melodic styles and richer harmonies. According to Wikipedia, Romantic music is a term denoting an era of Western classical music that began in the late 18th or early 19th century. “June: Barcarolle” and “Vocalise” are the two pieces of Romantic music, both of which were composers’ most popular songs. To give people a better understanding of Romantic music, I will compare and contrast the two songs “June: Barcarolle” and “Vocalise”.


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Birdman: Film Introduction and Impression

鳥人: 電影介紹與感想

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The Theory of Everything: Film Introduction

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The Imitation Game : Film Introduction

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由於某些因素,Winter Quarter 休息並沒有上課,結果就是硬生生的多出了2個半月的假期,



由於是表姊找的路跑,所以我並不是很清楚完整的路跑名稱,只知道是為了慶祝St. patty's day而辦的,

St. Partick's Day 介紹 (英文)

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Gas Works Park 位於Wallingford,大約在華盛頓大學的西南方,走路約半個小時可以抵達,之前練跑的時候常常跑這路線,

但是一直沒發現原來Gas Works Park就在我練跑的路線上,直到有一天看到一堆人一直往某方向走去,





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Opposition to Owning Guns It is legal that the average citizen owns guns in the United States. According to Wikipedia, Supreme Court decisions in 2008 and 2010 upheld the right for individuals to possess guns for self-defense. However, there are many groups that are opposed to owning guns because of public safety. I agree with their view. In my opinion, owning guns will have three effects: abusing guns, make it easy for criminals to get guns, and increasing the costs of owning guns.


The first negative effect of owning guns is the possibility of abusing guns. We often watch some news about gun crimes. According to Wikipedia, in the United States, in 2009, there were 3 recorded intentional homicides committed with firearm per 100,000 inhabitants. First of all, school shootings are a case of abusing guns. Recently, there was news in Seattle about a boy who shot five victims in a Washington State school and then committed suicide. Secondly, improper use of guns that causes accidents is another negative effect. I have heard news about a brother who accidentally shot his sister because he was playing with a gun. Finally, excessive defense is also one of the negative effects of owning guns For example, it is worthy of discussion whether or not it is reasonable to use guns in self-defense. Owning guns will increase school shootings, improper use of guns that causes gun accidents, and excessive self-defense are negative effects from abusing guns.


Next, because keeping and bearing arms is protected by the United States law, owning guns will make it easy for criminals to get guns. First of all, because citizens can own guns, criminals can smuggle guns through many pipelines, and with citizens' help. According to news reports, about 250,000 guns were smuggled from the United States to Mexico from 2010 to 2012. Furthermore, in 2013, New York City seized the large number of gun incidents. Arms smugglers smuggled guns from North Carolina and South Carolina into New York City. Secondly, criminals also can modify guns. Modified guns will make guns have more power in violent crimes. It also could cause large-scale organized crime. Finally, gun violence is one of the major public issues in American society related to gang violence. According to the information from UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime), 60% of US homicides in 2009 were perpetrated using a gun. According to Associated Press statistics, each ar up to 30,000 people die by shooting in the United States. President Kennedy was also murdered with a gun. Owning guns will cause guns smuggling with citizens' help, modified guns, and gun violence. Those are negative effects of criminals getting guns easily.


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Snoqualmie Falls

Snoqualmie Falls位於西雅圖東邊,同名為Snoqualmie的一個小鎮上,開車大約30-40分鐘的車程,

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